Sunday, July 31, 2016

10 Reasons to Join Actor's Launchpad (other than to be #trendy).

Post-tour-unemployed-life got me lost in the wilderness, just floating like ...


After coming back from the tour of Hair, after traveling the world and living my natural born life, I came back to New York feeling them post-tour-blues.

Where do I go from here?
How do I propel my career to the next level? 
How do I network better?!

 I needed some advice about the business. So I phoned Tom.

Some may call it their Fairy Godmother, I like to view him as the Dumbledore to my Harry Potter fantasy life: Tom Lapke. 

Tom, is the creator of Audition Update, (yeah, the Tom Lapke you get those clever E-mails from). He is my dear amigo within the theatre industry; a pioneer for helping the careers of many actors. After explaining to him my predicament, Tom introduced me to his brand new company:

Actor's Launchpad. 

In three weeks, I have ordered the cutest business cards (ON DISCOUNT, BOO), taken two on-camera classes with two HUGE television casting directors, had a free movie night with many other kids in the biz, and have more benefits coming that I can even count with ALP.

Because I'm #obsessed with how much this has helped my career, I decided to shamelessly promote this to all of my friends.



It's 10 dollars a month. You better skip that Juice Gen of the day, those two iced lattes, or half an entree from Blockheads, and join this thing. Invest your money into something that will ultimately pay you back, tenfold.

2. Hella discounts.

YOU SAVE MONEY ON ALL THINGS ACTOR. 30% off business cards, discounts on the best photographers for new headshots, and even a discount on Mark Fisher Fitness. Extreme couponing. MO BETTA FO YOU.


3. Better, intimate classes that AREN'T A WASTE OF TIME (or money.)

I HATE TAKING CLASSES. I really do. Mostly because they're so expensive and a gamble. I hate knowing that I am spending at least $100 on maybe 10 minutes with a Casting Director or Agent. With a membership, you get a discount on these classes. AND the class environment is suuuuuuper chill, comfortable. And you get this fancy complimentary stuff:




My favorite perk of ALP. Every Tuesday, you can sign up to use top of the line camera equipment to film sides, auditions, or pretty much whatever you want. Make your audition look like #netflixepisodic status. 

There's a crew member there to help tape, and they can cut material to send to you. FREE WITH MEMBERSHIP, SON. 

5. Why wouldn't you join after seeing Emails like this:

6. I'm doing it.


7. FREE MOVIE NIGHTS. With free alcohol and popcorn.


Every few weeks, Tom sets up free movie night where you can gather with a bunch of other broke AF actors to mingle, drink, and complain about the business together! Yay! FREE ALCOHOL! 

8. Actor. Friendly.

No bullshit. Straight forward. This is a resource to help you figure your shit OUT as an actor. Their website is soy cute, simple and will guide you.

Here, look:

9. Tom Lapke is BOSS.

BOOM!! (That's Tom.)

10. IT'S FREE.


That's right, boo. 

I can give you that friend discount, since you made it through my blog! I'm going to hook you up with one month for free, so that you can try it out for yourself! Why? How? WHO GIVES A FUCK! Just contact me. 

**If this interests you, comment, message me on Facebook, Instagram or E-mail me through this blog, and IMA HOOK YOU UP. 

Basically, ALP got me feeling' like - 



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